


Your FAFSA must be completed and submitted by the the priority deadline of April 15th in order to ensure that your application is processed before classes begin. 金融 Aid applications are accepted throughout the year; apply early for the best opportunities.



ACC reserves the right to cancel or revise your 援助, including possible repayment of 援助, at any time for reasons that include but are not limited to the following: eligibility, failure to make satisfactory academic progress, changes in the availability of funds, changes in marital status, and changes in financial resources.



  • Students must have a declared pathway program on file in order to receive financial 援助.
  • Students are only allowed to have one active pathway program at ACC.
  • Students can only receive federal 援助 for classes that are required as part of their 存档的ACC路径程序.
  • 金融 援助 may be reduced or cancelled if enrolled classes are not required for 存档的ACC通路项目.
  • Aid eligibility and Satisfactory Academic Progress will be evaluated based on the highest credential for the pathway program on file.
  • If only pathway program certificates are on file, all classes must be required in 每个证书都有资格获得援助.


Return to Title IV (Receiving Federal Funds and Withdrawing)

ACC returns unearned funds received from Federal student assistance programs to the proper program accounts or lenders in accordance with Federal Title IV student assistance regulations, as amended, under 34CFR, section 668.第22(d)条重新授权 the Higher Education Act of 1965, with rules of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating 董事会,以及董事会政策

  • 的 student receiving assistance from Federal Title IV programs is required to complete a minimum number of hours for which assistance was received. 如果学生完全 withdraws from school during the semester, or quits attending, but fails to officially withdraw, the student may be required to return the unearned part of the funds which were received to help pay educational expenses for the semester. 退货责任 to Federal Title IV funds will be determined according to the following guidelines:
    • 如果学生 remains enrolled and attends class beyond the 60% mark of the semester in which 援助 was received, all federal 援助 is considered earned and not subject to 这一政策
    • 如果学生完全 withdraws from all classes before completing 60% of the semester, a pro-rated portion of the federal 援助 received must be returned to the federal 援助 programs equal to the percentage of the semester remaining.
    • 如果学生 does not officially withdraw and stops attending all classes, a pro- rated portion of the federal 援助 received, based on the documented last date of attendance, 必须归还给联邦援助项目吗.
    • If a student ends the term with grades of all “FX” or combination of “FX or W” they are considered to have unofficially withdrawn, attendance in each class will be A pro-rated portion of the federal 援助 may be owed.
  • 的 ACC 金融援助 Office ensures the proper amounts are returned to the appropriate Title IV programs in a timely manner, and notifies the student within 15 days of the notice of withdrawal of his or her obligation to repay funds. ACC商务办公室 also notifies the student of his or her obligation to repay any funds owed at the 每个结束  

商务办公室跟踪还款情况. 财政援助办公室监督时间安排 and responsibility for referring overpayments to the U.S. 教育部.

Students can repay any funds owed through the Business Office. 商务办公室 接受现金、汇票或信用卡. 欠ACC余额的学生将有 保留他们的学生记录. 的 hold can be released by the Business Office 当余额被满足时. Students who have an overpayment will be reported to National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) by the 金融援助 Office.



If a student attends multiple schools with 援助 within the last four award years, the U.S. 教育部 may flag the FAFSA for 不寻常的入学历史.  的 student is required to submit official transcripts from all previous schools.  的 transcripts will be reviewed for successful completion of credits for periods of attendance where Title IV 援助 was received (Federal grants, loans, and work-study).  如果学生 has successfully completed credits for each period of attendance, then the flag will 获准处理进一步援助.  如果学生没有成功完成 credits for each period of attendance, then a Federal Aid Appeal option will be offered 重新获得资格.  Students will be notified via email if an appeal is required.



Scholarship CHECKS must be on file with the financial 援助 office by August 1st to be applied to student's tuition and fee statement. 请注意信件或证明 不接受作为一种付款方式吗. 任何获得奖学金的学生 for the upcoming term must confirm their scholarship award with the 金融援助 电邮至 FA@fulyamsigorta.net.




区内学生 独立学生-与父母同住
Dependent Student - Living Independent of Parents 独立学生-与父母同住 Independent Student - Living Independent of Parents
学费 $1,530 $1,530 $1,530 $1,530
费用 $652 $652 $652 $652
Books, course materials, supplies and equipment $2,043 $2,043 $2,043 $2,043
生活费用 $3,213 $8,174 $3,213 $8,174
运输 $2,915 $2,915 $2,915 $2,915
个人杂项开支 $2,191 $2,191 $2,191 $2,191
总计 $12,544 $17,505 $12,544
区外学生 独立学生-与父母同住
Dependent Student - Living Independent of Parents
Independent Student - Living Independent of Parents
学费 $3,060 $3,060 $3,060 $3,060
费用 $652 $652 $652 $652
Books, course materials, supplies and equipment $2,043 $2,043 $2,043 $2,043
生活费用 $3,213 $8,174 $3,213 $8,174
运输 $2,915 $2,915 $2,915 $2,915
个人杂项开支 $2,191 $2,191 $2,191 $2,191
总计 $14,074 $19,035 $14,074
独立学生-与父母同住 Dependent Student - Living Independent of Parents 独立学生-与父母同住 Independent Student - Living Independent of Parents
学费 $4,650 $4,650 $4,650 $4,650
费用 $652 $652 $652 $652
Books, course materials, supplies and equipment $2,043 $2,043 $2,043 $2,043
生活费用 $3,213 $8,174 $3,213 $8,174
运输 $2,915 $2,915 $2,915 $2,915
个人杂项开支 $2,191 $2,191 $2,191 $2,191
总计 $15,664 $20,625 $15,664
